10 Teachers Share Their Words of Wisdom for Graduating Students

by | 06.7.16

Teacher2Teacher is a community that shares effective practices and innovations so educators can connect and grow together.

It’s the time of year for mortar boards and “Pomp and Circumstance,” and your students are getting ready to leave the school year behind. Whether students are moving from kindergarten to first grade or are graduating from high school, we know you have invaluable words of wisdom to share with them as they prepare for a new chapter in their lives! We asked the Teacher2Teacher community for the advice they would give graduating students; read on for 10 teachers’ responses and share your own in the comments below.

  1. “Advice: Be good at what you do and be good to those around.”—@DianaDaw
  2. “Reflect on failure to seek change. You won’t get every job, so how can you be more hireable for the next one?”—@saburkhart41
  3. “Seek new opportunities, explore your passions, stretch your comfort zone, reflect often and don’t forget to call home.”—@BonnySDieterich
  4. “Life is an easy nut to crack w/ LIFE-LONG-LEARNING, just like a pistachio.”—@burgan_d
  5. “Be a good human.”—@msherrin1
  6. “’To thine own self be true…thou canst not then be false to any man.’”—@MaierBrenda
  7. “Be a Rock of Gibraltar and make your parents proud. Teach what you have learned appropriately and everyone will smile.”—@lathomasds
  8. “Take advantage of every opportunity at a new experience; you don’t know what you’ll learn!”—@DawnOler
  9. “Help others.”—@julietKeers
  10. “Go forth and prove us RIGHT! We believe in you!”—@grantschoolswv

What advice would you give your graduating students? Share your words of wisdom in the comments!

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