8 Teacher-Tested Field Trip Tips

by | 04.6.16

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The days are getting warmer and summer is getting closer…which means it’s almost field trip season! Whether it’s your first or fiftieth trip, planning off-campus experiences for students can be daunting. We asked teachers on Twitter (Psst! Join in the conversation!) for their top tips for choosing a field trip destination and managing all of the logistics involved. Read on for the community’s responses and share your own ideas in the comments!

    1. “Our grade level chooses field trips that enhance our curriculum—on our most recent, we learned about habitats.”—@heatherlawson73
    2. “Nearby, high-interest, with lots of curricular connections & extensions! We build case for validity & pitch to powers that be.”—@MrsHallidays4th
    3. “Check out a great STEM Virtual Field Trip including the launch of 2 high altitude weather balloons.”—@mrhowardflyhigh
    4. “For my students w/special needs I plan community-based trips w/focus on real-life skills. Grocery shopping, using a menu, etc.”—@juliabishopnbct
    5. “Financial constraints limit our trips. Instead we have #ScotiaGlenvilleTravelingMuseum come to us. Great programs!”—@PamelaATraynor
    6. “Places #ESOL students don’t get taken to that their classmates visit at least once or with frequency. Start from what you would like for the students to know or experience, ask friends and colleagues, search the web? From visiting a pet shop to see a real iguana, or driving a few hours to see fossil rocks or a museum: it is all good!” —@SMSESOL
    7. “Ask a parent to research venues and transportation. PDF permission slips allow parents to print, sign and send in. Check county state parks, colleges for free programs. Target awards field trip grants up to $700 in Sept. If using parent drivers, hand out district driver forms 1st day of school or at back-to-school night. Ask how many students fit [per] car, partner with another class to share [the] cost of [a] bus or use public transportation.”—@Musicbearedu
    8. “Don’t have to go far to have great out-of-school learning experience! Stay local, intro yourself, ask to make a connection! This year connecting with local artist #DannyKoffman. I try to make connections that create future learning opportunities.”—@ldevoramcnabb

What are your strategies for choosing field trip destinations and coordinating logistics? Share them in the comments below!

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