10 Tips for Getting Your Students Back on Track After a Snow Day

by | 02.5.16

Teacher2Teacher is a community that shares effective practices and innovations so educators can connect and grow together.

How can you make the most of post-snow lessons? We asked our followers on Twitter (Psst! Come join us!) how they get their classes back on track after a surprise snow day…or week. Read on for their best tips and stow them away to try after your next snow day!

    1. “I always ask students what they did during their time off & do “you” think it was necessary. I make students stakeholders.”—Teacher @mxdhny66.
    2. “Although my Ss will not be in this situation, I’d do snow-related sci. experiments/tie in thermal energy/transformations.”—Teacher @love5thgrade
    3. “Colorado teachers know all about snow! Engage students by letting them share snow day adventures and make it a learning opp.”—Teacher and designer couple @COTeachContent
    4. “Surprise snow? Snowball fight w/ sight words on paper and write about their fun adventures, then share!”—Teacher @croberson8
    5. “Ss summarize their day off in writing using 10 words or less first thing in AM and share out.” —Teacher @AlieSanterre
    6. “Nothing like some vocabulary basketball! #SpanishClass”—Teacher @clarkjjw
    7. “This year we talked about friction in science with sleds and built our own experiments to try it out!” —Teacher @PopIntoFourth
    8. “We write about it and take turns sharing! Might as well turn the excitement into a lesson.”—Teacher @LyndsayTeaches
    9. “Review the rules, procedures, and previous material in a fun @GetKahoot game. My students my quizzes.” —Teacher @mcathyg
    10. “Some great learning during snow days, we’ll talk about that, then graph the rate of snowfall from data.” —Teacher @MsWolfinger

And if all else fails, teacher @gary_neuzil has one final, succinct piece of advice:

“Snowball fight.”

What are your top tips for getting students back in a learning mindset after an unexpected day off? Share them with your fellow teachers in the comments.

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