Slowchat Highlights

by | 08.29.16

Teacher2Teacher is a community that shares effective practices and innovations so educators can connect and grow together.

Now that the new school year is underway (or about to be!), are you making any changes to the way you approach and think about learning? In last week’s slowchat, hosted by teachers Lyndsay Nottingham and Sarah Thomas, we asked you to share how you start the year off with a personal learning network (PLN) and growth mindset. Read on for eight of the Teacher2Teacher community’s responses and share your own in the comments below.

  1. “Be open to new learning opportunities with new PLN members. Learn together to learn better.”—@philosophypaul
  2. “Actively connecting w/others who believe, ‘It’s not enough to be good when you have the ability to be BETTER!’ is how I build my PLN.”—@1to1Brian
  3. “Be open to new things, and don’t be afraid to share insight and jump right in the convo!”—@MBM_Perry
  4. “Twitter helped me expand my PLN. I live in SC, and some of my PLN live in CA!”—@crunchyteacher
  5. “View overcoming challenges as a learning experience. I think it goes back to mindset. Need to approach each day intentionally as an opportunity to learn!”—@ezundel
  6. “To not fear, but embrace, asking questions of my PLN and then be open to the responses.”—@JessicaKParker
  7. “Share something that excites you. For me it was @diigo. Then see what comes back; reach out; what’s being said about…? Who’s saying it and where? Whose voice resonates, not agrees with you.”—@KFullerBCSD
  8. “Be brave! Ask questions! I count on my Twitter PLN for friendly advice and for pushback when I need it. “—@dcrescitelli

Don’t miss this week’s slow chat about back-to-school tips—use #T2TChat to join in the conversation with hosts Lyndsay Nottingham and Sarah Thomas. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter if you don’t already!

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