Opening the Door to Deeper Connections During Black History Month
by Amanda Holt
The most rewarding part? Student curiosity.
As the school year ends, how do you reflect on everything you and your students have shared together—the learnings and growth, the difficult moments and the memorable ones—over the course of the year? In the last slowchat of the school year, hosted by teachers Lyndsay Nottingham and Sarah Thomas, we asked you to share your best tips for reflecting on the past nine months. Read on for eight of the Teacher2Teacher community’s responses and share your own in the comments below.
The #T2TChat is on hiatus for the summer—check back in early fall for more great conversations with your fellow teachers. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter if you don’t already!
by Amanda Holt
The most rewarding part? Student curiosity.
by Adrian Neibauer
We often start with academic standards and layer on student engagement. Here’s how flipping that approach supports my planning and elevate...
by Claribel González
Ask Questions, Avoid Assumptions, and Honor Complex Stories