3 Ways to Show Students You’re Curious About Who They Are
by Claribel González
Ask Questions, Avoid Assumptions, and Honor Complex Stories
It’s hard to believe, but the school year is more than halfway gone! So much has happened since the first bells rang in August and September.
With all those class periods and lesson plans in the books, we invited the T2T community to share takeaways from the first semester. The responses that came back were funny, thoughtful, passionate – and too good not to share!
Here are a handful of the lessons your fellow lifelong learners shared over email and social media:
Psst! You can join the conversation by signing up to receive email updates from the Teacher2Teacher community here!
by Claribel González
Ask Questions, Avoid Assumptions, and Honor Complex Stories
by Lisa Dunn-Lockhart
Be part of the next Diverse Math Educators for Equity Cohort.
by Katie Hale
Try this survey to boost student voice and support strong positive identities in math.